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Business Jet Charter Service

Save yourself and your business the hassle flying commercial, and take full advantage of our business charter jet services instead. Our long-range executive aircrafts come with spacious and state-of-the-art conference rooms, so you can host meetings and get work done while in the air.


Our business jets also include private suites, so you and your business partners can travel to your next work destination in the comfort and privacy you deserve.

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Reach Your Full Private Flying Productivity Potential

For many business people, time in the air is seen as time that could be spent working. And while there are a select few laser-focused individuals who can block out the noise and distractions of fellow passengers, having a quiet place to work can improve efficiency ten-fold.


At YOYO Jet, our private jets empower you to work while you fly. With high-speed internet, you can attend online meetings, finish that proposal, and work on business strategies without distraction

Should you and your business partners be traveling to the same destination, we also have private jets with conference rooms so you can take full advantage of your time in the air with privacy and quietness. We also offer an apartment private jet service of up to 300 seats, for executives wanting to take their entire team to a new destination.


Whether you’re travelling alone or with a business partner or clients, our executive aircrafts allow you to use your time spent in the air to your full advantage. Enquire about our business jet charter services today and experience the luxurious side of a work trip.



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